Be Whoever You Want To Be

Be whoever you want to be. You are the guide to the long, rocky path that you’ve set yourself on. Be humble and grateful for your opportunities. To be humble is to not let your head inflate like a balloon. To be grateful is to say “Thank You” to your parents for tirelessly working so you can have a bright future.

Never forget that home is where the heart is. You may be thousands of miles away from the people who have raised you and the people who have brought you up when you were feeling down. Never forget those days where you had no where you needed to be, and you just had the company of people who would drive to your house at 11pm even when it was pitch black outside. Never forget those days where it felt like you suddenly lost your footing on the stairs and you fell down on the hard ground. Never forget how you had waterfalls falling down your face after your heart was broken into tiny little pieces. Never forget how you woke up the next day, picked up those pieces and held them close to you.

You will have days where a million thoughts and a million of negative memories flood your mind. I want to tell you that it’s going to be okay. Don’t give up now. Your blind and fiery passions will be the light that guides you when you walk down a dark alleyway all by yourself. When you’re feeling the coldness of the world, allow yourself to the warm affections of those that would run to the moon and back for you. When you get into a spellbinding rage, I know you immediately close all the doors that lead to your heart. Marinate in that rage for a while, don’t hold its head down. Don’t prevent air from going through its lungs. Allow it to breathe. Allow yourself to breathe. Allow yourself to be more than the external validation you’ve been accustomed to. Allow yourself to walk on a tightrope with no certainty that you will fall on soft, gentle clouds.

Be the person your younger, naive self had always looked up to. Be the artist that you travelled miles for just so you can witness their work. Be the narrator of the chaotic and random thoughts that flow through your growing mind. Don’t run away from opportunities that bring butterflies to your stomach. Don’t let your past dictate who you will become in the future. This is a moment where you can hit a giant, red reset button and be whoever you want to be. This is the time people call “some of the best years of your life”. Plant this in your heart and let your travels and experiences be the warm water. Be proud of your accomplishments.

Learn from your failures. Keep your chin up. Tuck in your shirt. Reach for the stars. Scrape yourself off if you fall. Keep your heart open. Don’t run away from the evil monsters. You’re almost an adult now and you need to step up to the plate.

Be tough. Be daring. Be careless. Be mature. Be childish. Be whoever you want to be. Now go on, stretch your arms wide and bring in the future in a tight, warm embrace.


Just Like That